Lost Dog Temporary Holding Facility
Town of Little Compton, Rhode Island

In 2018, we were approached to see if we would apply to be the temporary holding facilities for our local area. As if we didn't already have enough to do, we agreed to submit our proposals to the towns.
But there was a catch...
Before we would even know if we were chosen, we had to CREATE an acceptable kennel, inspected and approved by the RIDOH (specifically, the state vet at the Department of Health).
We spent almost $20,000 gutting and renovating a building, making it sterile, waterproof, and bringing in heat and air conditioning, plus a whole bunch of improvements to create a great space for our temporary guests.

We meet a lot of dogs and most go home to their owners within a day, but unfortunately our area sees more strays, abandoned, or dumped dogs than we should. The beautiful faces above are just a few of the many dogs that were never claimed. Though it is not part of our job as a temporary facility to adopt out dogs (we are not an adoption shelter), we have played a key role each time in helping every homeless dog find their perfect future.